2 Powerdays with rutger split
FaiT90 avatar FaiT90
Aug 27th 2014

2 Powerdays with rutger split


Equipment required: Dumbell, Barbell, Kettlebell, Bench, and Machine

This plan supports Interval mode and Audio Cue & Pro Tips

Remember that the days are not specific to day 1 or day 2, you can switch em up as you like.

Powerdays are just for gaining power, so heavy as possible and low reps.
where on the other days you focus on soreness and push true it.

Again edit anything as you like, this is what i am currently doing and is working for me.

Day 1 & 2

Powerdays rest time is personal.
you can take rest as long as you want, as long as you lift the dang weights.

Day 3
After weighter dips you see dips and reps 100.
you just do as many as you can, take a 15 sec brake, continue untill you hit a 100. (like it or not works really well, and youll get sick pump)

Day 4

For now i have a break from deadlifts, so you can add them if you want, its up to you, this works for me.

Day 5
Well Shoulders, this is my favo day, since it burns so mutch and i cant explain but i just love the feeling.
looks like a lot, i nkow.
but get true it and youll feel so good.

Day 6

Bicep / Tricep / Forearms
Focus for Arms (this is also called ego day).
since everybody loves to train/show off there arms.

Day 7
Leg day, if lower body powerday was not intense enough.
you can add this to your routine.