do it or go home
hosseinwade avatar hosseinwade
Sep 12th 2014

do it or go home


Equipment required: Dumbell, Barbell, Kettlebell, Bench, and Machine

This plan supports Interval mode and Audio Cue & Pro Tips

This is a routine designed to help you build/gain clean and lean muscle through high volume training.

It is a 4 day split that has you workout 2 days followed by rest and then working out another 2 days and another 2 days of rest.

Rest is key when performing this routine as you want to give your muscles enough time to recuperate from both workout days and stimulate proper muscle growth.

**** Note : You are able to mix in cardio within any of the rest days if you feel it is needed within your routine

Diet is key for any routine that is meant to lean out the stomach and waistline. It is important to eat clean foods (i.e lean chicken, vegetables, fruits, and high fiber foods) and stay clean of heavy carbohydrates that will sit in your stomach thus storing as fat.

If you need extra time to rest in between each set you may add more time as long as you aren't going above 2 minute rest periods.

and if you want you can add abdominal exercise to your routine