Beginner Strength Training / Back to lifting
priestvalon avatar priestvalon
Sep 22nd 2014

Beginner Strength Training / Back to lifting


Equipment required: Dumbell, Barbell, Kettlebell, Bench, and Machine

This plan supports Interval mode and Audio Cue & Pro Tips

This can be used either by beginners or people that want to get back to training after a long period of being off the gym.

Start off with a empty barbell and then every time you do the same exercise again add 5kgs for large muscle parts and 2kg for smaller ones. Deadlift is an exception here as you're training it only once a week and it's compound movement - add 15kgs each time. Crunches - start with 10 and add 2 every week.

First 2 sets in each exercise (except last exercise for each workout) are warm up sets - use 1/3 on 1st and 1/2 weight on 2nd set of the target weight you are supposed to lift on the day for 4 main sets.

Make sure you finish ALL 12 reps in ALL sets with perfect form - if not - don't add weight when doing this exercise next time, keep trying until you do, and only then progress to higher weight.

Continue as long as you can add weight to exercises - when you hit plateau, change routine for a while.