Dumbbell Supinated One-Arm Wrist Curl
Beginner - Strength - Isolation

Targeted Muscle Group

Forearms figure highlighted in blue



Recommended Equipment

Dumbbell equipment


How to do it

Steps :

1.) To begin this exercise; take one dumbbell and sit down on the edge of a flat bench and keep your feet on the floor.

2.) Take the dumbbell and bring it up so that your forearm and arm are rested on your knee; and the palm of your hand is facing up.

3.) Curl the dumbbells up, through your wrists until you feel a stretch in the muscle.

4.) Hold this position for a count and then lower the dumbbell back to the starting position.

5.) Repeat for as many reps and sets as desired.

Notes :

1.) Keep your forearms and legs still during the exercise.

2.) You want to make sure that you are isolating and targeting the forearm muscle