Status: Hi, guys!? Let me introduce myself. I am South Korean, and my name is Sungwoo Park (Sung-woo Park). My name is Sungwoo and my last name is Park. It's different from a park (e.g. a national park). It's just the same pronunciation ? I've changed my username to my real name today. I know my friends' real names, but you guys don't know my real names. I always owe a debt of gratitude. I like to be called my name As you know, my English is a mess? Actually, my personality is outgoing. But I am not good at English. So I often feel sad when I leave my writing short. But there is no great difficulty in understanding English sentences, so feel free to leave a comment. I've worked out quite steadily in 2019, but missed a lot of exercise this month. Every year from Black Friday and Cyber Monday to Christmas season, I do shopping in Amazon and eBay. Also I like to see hot deals on the slick deals? From now on, I'll try to keep working out. You guys are a big motivator for me! Thank you for read 4 years ago
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