Bigger Chest in a Month
JefitTeam avatar JefitTeam
Dec 23rd 2013

Bigger Chest in a Month


8 DAYS - Bulking - Intermediate

Equipment required: Dumbell, Barbell, Kettlebell, Bench, and Machine

This plan supports Interval mode and Audio Cue & Pro Tips

Always wanted a bigger and fuller chest? Given 4 weeks with this workout routine you will be able to target your chest in different ways to give you that bigger look that you desire.

Why This Routine Works

This routine has been designed to target and work different aspects of the chest that help increase muscle size, strength, power, separation and even pumps.

With each week of this workout routine, you will target different aspect of chest training from upper and lower areas to focusing on increasing strength and power as well as the pump of the chest muscles.

Each week of the routine will consist of 2 exercise days to allow for optimal muscle growth and stimulation of the fibers. It is important to focus upon workout volume and training intensity so that you are pushing your muscles to failure.

Workout Day Split

Week 1

- For the first week of this chest training you will focus on working all of the chest muscles from the upper and lower parts of the chest to the inner and outer parts of the pectorals.

The varying exercises will range from incline, flat and decline dumbbell presses, incline chest flyes with dumbbells and finishing off with cable cross overs. Each of these exercises are placed in the routine to start helping you build size by hitting the chest in a varying ranges and angles.

Week 2

- During week 2 you will mainly focus upon targeting and working the upper chest muscles. By working the upper chest you are helping give your pecs that fuller look.

Exercises that you will perform for this week range from bench press, incline dumbbell press, straight arm dumbbell pullover, lower chest raise and finished off with the elevated push ups.

Week 3

- This week of chest exercises will focus on building up strength within the pectoral muscles through peak contraction movements, which means squeezing the muscles at the top of the rep.

Again you will focus on working the entire chest from various angles through the use of both bench and barbells along with machines.

Week 4

- The 4th and final week will be to pump up the pectoral muscles through high reps and multiple sets. If you aren't able to attain the assigned reps for each exercise, have your training partner assist you in force reps.

Through the use of high repetitions, you will be able to pump blood to the already worked chest muscles to give you that full feeling.

Fuller Chest In A Month Training Stats

Week 1

Day 1 - Workout Time : 17 minutes
Day 1 - Rest Time : 17 minutes

Day 2 - Workout Time : 17 minutes
Day 2 - Rest Time : 17 minutes

Week 2

Day 1 - Workout Time : 17 minutes
Day 1 - Rest Time - 22 minutes

Day 2 - Workout Time : 17 minutes
Day 2 - Rest Time - 22 minutes

Week 3

Day 1 - Workout Time : 18 minutes
Day 1 - Rest Time - 21 minutes

Day 2 - Workout Time : 18 minutes
Day 2 - Rest Time - 21 minutes

Week 4

Day 1 - Workout Time : 23 minutes
Day 1 - Rest Time - 30 minutes

Day 2 - Workout Time : 23 minutes
Day 2 - Rest Time - 30 minutes

Equipment Used

• Barbell
• Dumbbell
• Strength Machine
• Cable Machine
• Leg Press Machine
• Bench
• Weight Plate


• Protein - Egg Whites, Lean Chicken, Lean Beef, Protein Shakes, Cottage Cheese, Greek Yogurt, Lean Ground Turkey, Peanut Butter

• Carbs - Sweet Potatoes, Quinoa, Brown Rice, Beans (Black or Kidney), Oatmeal, Whole Wheat Toast,

Of course you cannot forget your fruits and vegetables for a balance of nutrients, antioxidants and fiber.

As with any diet that is gear towards putting on clean muscle and size, you will want to eat a clean and healthy diet.

Stay away from any snack foods, chips, sweets, or anything that will put on excess fat, carbs or sugars into your diet. This will be detrimental to your gains and goals of muscle building.


• You can add in some warm-up sets into each workout to loosen up your muscles

Intensity and focusing on the motions/movements of each exercise will help target and build the little muscles of each body part.

With this routine diet is key, you want to eat and have a clean and healthy diet to attain optimal and best gains possible.