4 Week Beach Ready Summer Program
DeanTudor avatar DeanTudor
Nov 18th 2018

4 Week Beach Ready Summer Program


3 DAYS - Cutting - Beginner

Equipment required: Dumbell, Barbell, Kettlebell, Bench, and Machine

This plan supports Interval mode and Audio Cue & Pro Tips

Get Your Body Ready For The Beach
You have a beach trip with a few friends in a month and you want to do some work to your body to get ready. This program will help you cut some body fat, expose some more lines on your core and also strengthen your most important body parts.

Workouts are split mostly between strength + compound lifting workouts and core + cardio sessions. The team at Jefit wants to emphasize how important both of these workout types are. At the end of the day, once that beach day is over we welcome you to try out some of our other workout programs!

Warming Up
Especially for compound lifts we recommend warming up with lighter weights before your working sets. A common warmup scheme is 10-15 sets with a very light weight, followed by intermediate sets until you do 1 rep of your working weight.

Reps, Sets and Rest
There are many different rep schemes that'll help you reach your goals. We've set 3 sets of 8 reps by default, but feel free to change it to your own liking.

Getting Help
If you need some help getting started, join our facebook group and our team and existing community would be happy to help!