The Powerlifting Routine 2 routine by JefitTeam is a 6 day workout plan. It is a intermediate level plan to achieve general fitness goals.
Plan Description
This is a powerlifting routine for those who are competing or training for a powerlifting competitio...
This is a powerlifting routine for those who are competing or training for a powerlifting competition. The program could help those who are looking to increase their overall strength.
Each of the exercises found in this program will help increase your strength and have a transfer effect towards improving your three main Powerlifting exercises (Squat/Deadlift/Bench Press).
This routine offers a 4 day split with the 1st day on, 2nd day rest, 3rd day on, 4th day rest, 5th and 6th days on and then 7th day rest.
While performing this workout you will begin with a weight that you're able to handle your first set for 8 to 10 repetitions. As you increase the amount of sets that you perform, you will also be increasing the weight until you are able to perform 4-6 repetitions for the last 2 sets.
Stay Strong,
Jefit Team
Powerlifting Routine
Est time: 81 min
7 exercises
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