The Build a Stronger Body routine by JefitTeam is a 3 day workout plan. It is a intermediate level plan to achieve general fitness goals.
Plan Description
You can expect a little bit of everything in terms of program design with this 3-day, advanced stren...
You can expect a little bit of everything in terms of program design with this 3-day, advanced strength training plan.
In regard to training intensity, all sets are in the 6 to 12-RM (repetition maximum) range, meaning the resistance should be heavy enough to allow only the prescribed number of repetitions.
Each session is over an hour and two of the three sessions require 75-90 minutes, this is why it was made an intermediate workout.
Day 1: Contains 14 exercises, and a 76-minute long session.
Day 2: Offers 12 exercises, and a 65-minute long session.
Day 3: Has 10 exercises, but the workout is close to 90-minutes long, and is the most challenging of the three workouts.
Each session includes a brief cardio warm-up. If you don't have the prescribe equipment - replace with what you do have.
Stay Strong,
Jefit Team
Workout 1
Est time: 25 min
14 exercises
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