winter motivation

Winter Motivation Tips to Get You Out of Bed and into the Gym

Winter is a great season filled with Christmas, the start of the New Year, warm cups of coffee and staying in bed. However, if you are trying to maintain your healthy lifestyle, the cold weather can also be a hindrance to your progress. To help get you out of your cosy bed and into the gym, here are some winter motivation tips.

8 Winter Motivation Tips You Need to Hear

1. Get a Personal Trainer/Workout Buddy

It can be easy to skip your workout time and time again if you have no one there to let down but yourself.

To help counteract this, get a personal trainer or workout buddy.

By having someone there, you hold yourself accountable to not let them down. After all, if they can spend their time making it to the gym for you, then you can do the same for them.

You don’t have to have just one workout buddy either. You can form a group. The more people that you have expected you to turn up to a session, the more motivation you will have to always go. Plus, the cold will be much more bearable if you have your friends there with you.

2. Find a Supportive Community

If you can’t find a workout buddy or trainer, or just want extra support, then find a community of like-minded people. There are many ways you can do this, such as finding group training classes, clubs or even online ones such as with Jefit.

By having people available there at the tips of your fingertips, you can keep up your winter motivation by sending and receiving encouraging messages to keep going. By staying in touch with people who want to remain fit and healthy, even throughout the winter months, you will be more inclined to get out of bed and into the gym.

3. Set a Goal

Waking up to head to the gym in the cold weather can be difficult. It is even more difficult if you have no goal to work towards. This is why one of our winter motivation tips is to set yourself a goal.

It could be to lose x amount of weight by summer or to be able to lift double what you can do now.

By setting yourself a goal, you can a specific motivating factor in mind that will help get you out of bed as opposed to just going to the gym to do whatever.

Whatever goal you set, just make sure that it is realistic otherwise it could have the opposite effect and de-motivate you.

4. Get New Winter Workout Gear

When in winter, wear winter workout gear! This can help alleviate the cold weather and make it easier to go to the gym. Winter workout clothes may be longer skins, thermal tops, tights or windbreakers. The key to remember when it comes to winter clothes is layers, so layer it up!

Don’t underestimate the value of new winter workout clothes. There is nothing like a new gym outfit or accessories that can really pump up your motivation and help you get to the gym. After all, if you look good, you feel good.

5. Change Your Alarm

If you are a morning gym goer, then one way to get your winter motivation going in the am is to set yourself a song that excites you.

Change your generic alarm tone to an upbeat song that really inspires you and gets your blood pumping. Stronger by Kayne West is always a good one to choose.

6. Reward Yourself

To help get you through a workout in the cold, focus on a reward you can have afterwards. A simple reward can be a nice hot cup of coffee or tea afterwards.

A simple drink is one that can really help motivate people because it tastes delicious and warms you up. It will also taste that much nicer knowing that you worked hard for it.

If you heed our first couple of tips and find yourself a workout buddy or community, then you can turn your coffee run into a group reward and use it to socialize with your friends. This will definitely make going to the gym in the cold worth it.

7. Think About Summer

Summer bodies are made in winter. By the time summer rolls around, people start to panic and try to get the beach bodies that they want. Unfortunately, by this time, it is often too late.

By remembering that summer bodies are made in winter, this will give you the encouragement you need to go to the gym.

It will also help to prevent any weight gain from creeping up on you during the colder months. With layers of clothing on, it is all too easy to miss it. By remaining active though, you can prevent this and stay fit and healthy.

8. Look at Your Progress

Nothing can help you with winter motivation than seeing how far you have come. While it takes time to make progress and get results, unfortunately, it takes far less time to lose it all. So look back at your workout log and see how far you have come. 

You’re not really going to let a bit of cold weather undo all your hard work and effort, are you?

Jefit is a gym workout app that helps all gym goers and athletes keep on track with their fitness goals. It has the largest exercise library complete with free workout routines to help mix up your training. It also gives you the ability to update and share your workout log with the supportive community. With Jefit on your phone, you will be able to share your grip training progress with your fellow gym goers!

What winter motivation tips do you have? Leave us a comment below, we would love to know!

12 thoughts on “Winter Motivation Tips to Get You Out of Bed and into the Gym”

  1. Hey man I like tips you gave here, especially the one about reward yourself. That is something I am trying to do nowadays and it is working really well for me 🙂

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