Explosive Lifts Can Take Your Strength Program to the Next Level

A great way to develop more power in a strength training program is to incorporate Olympic style explosive movements. These types of exercise are full body, compound exercises, that utilize triple extension. Triple extension is defined as the simultaneous extension of the ankles, knees and hips. Performing an exercise where the whole body is used and ends up with the heels coming off the floor or ground would be considered triple extension. A few examples would be jumping up and onto a plyo box or performing a power clean.

Here are a few examples of the many explosive type exercises that can be found in the Jefit exercise database.

Barbell Clean

Exercise Technique

1.) To begin this exercise, start off with a weighted barbell right in front of your shins using an overhand grip.

2.) Bend down at the knees with your back straight, chest out and head facing forward and pull up on the barbell with the driving force from your heels.

3.) Extend out through your knees and hips in a jumping motion to push the bar upward.

4.) Most of the force is driven through the initial momentum from the legs and hips with a slight pull from your arms.

5.) When you are fully extended and upright, flex your arms with your elbows and pull yourself down allowing the barbell to roll up your forearms and rest on your palms and shoulder in a full squat position.

6.) Maintain a full squat position until you have full control of the barbell.

7.) Then push yourself up with your heels into an upright position keeping your back straight and chest out.

8.) Repeat this exercise for as many repetitions as needed.

Barbell Hang Snatch

Exercise Technique

1.) Begin by standing in front of a barbell with your feet shoulder width apart, gripping the bar with a double overhand shoulder width grip.

2.) Bring the bar to about mid thigh level, keeping your back straight, then extend through your hips and knees forcefully driving the weight upward and shrugging your shoulders to your ears at the same time.

3.) Moving your feet into the receiving position, pull yourself below the bar as you elevate it overhead making sure that you receive the bar as low as possible and extend your arms up fully over your body.

4.) Make sure that you have a balanced standing position and hold for a count, then slowly and under control lower the bar back to the ground.

5.) Repeat for as many reps and sets as desired.

Final Thoughts

Adding explosive type lifts, as discussed here, can change any exercise program for the better and take it to the next level. For individuals who need additional help with exercise technique for Olympic lifts, seek out a qualified trainer or strength and conditioning coach with the following certifications: CSCS, USAW.

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