Jefit App: Your Strength & Conditioning Questions Answered

Since 2010, the award-winning Jefit app has been one of the best online strength and conditioning resources for many gym-goers. The community, found on both iOS and Android platforms, has more than 10 million users to date. The following are a few of the questions asked recently by the Jefit community.

Can I Run and Strength Train at the Same Time?

As a runner, you don’t just have to stick to running. And as someone who lifts weights, you don’t have to avoid any form of cardio like running as though it were the plague. In fact, cross training is actually really beneficial to both sides of the spectrum. So if you are wondering whether you can run and strength train at the same time, here are a few of the reasons why you definitely should do both.

  • Strengthening leg muscles will improve running
  • Improve your cardiovascular health
  • Running is a great way to expend additional calories
  • If you are someone who is into strength training and looking to run, try incorporating a low to moderate running a few a week for 15-20 minutes. This helps obtain the benefits of running but also won’t hinder your strength training performance.
  • You will also increase your work capacity. By constantly working your heart through running, you will be able to take in more oxygen, so when you lift, more oxygen will be delivered to your working muscles. This equates to lifting heavier and for longer.

How Can I Use Tabata Protocol to Build Work Capacity?

Yes, but lets first look at the workout itself. With a Tabata protocol, a 2:1 work-to-rest ratio is used. Meaning, 20-seconds of work is followed by 10-seconds of recovery. The sequence is repeated for 4-minutes, with each 20/10 piece, considered as one interval. A typical protocol might look like this: a 5-minute warm-up, 8 sets of 2:1 work, followed by a cool-down.

Many different exercises can be used in a Tabata routine to build work capacity. Some of the better movements, though, are bodyweight exercises. Such as squats, burpees and thrusters. A thruster is basically a squat to a shoulder press using medicine ball, dumbbells, or an Olympic bar. One of the first times I tried this I used light dumbbells. I did a squat to a press. I averaged about 15 repetitions for each 20-second interval followed by 10-seconds of recovery. The sequence was repeated 8 times for a total of 120 total repetitions.

The initial goal is to find a weight that enables someone to get about 10 repetitions per set. Many of the Jefit programs, however, are based on time. Meaning, you complete as many repetitions of a given exercise in 20-seconds of work followed by a 10-second rest.

Here are a few Tabata programs developed by the Jefit team.

Final Thought

Strength training is great but try adding a session or two of the above programs into your strength and conditioning program that you build with the Jefit planning and tracking app. Adding weekly conditioning sessions will improve your work capacity. In addition, your energy level will increase which definitely transfers to your performance in the gym.

Stay Strong Together

Jefit is an advanced strength training tracking & planning app. Their workout log can help you meet your fitness goals. By providing an extensive exercise library, individuals can pick and choose their own program according to specific goals. You can also join the members-only Facebook group where you can connect and interact with your fellow Jefit members. Share your successes, stories, advice, and tips so you learn and grow together.

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