What’s the Best Body Position for Back Pain?

What is the best position for your body when dealing with hip and/or back pain? One such position is known as static back. Many physical therapists would agree, this is an easy position to get into that often leads to reduced pain and discomfort. One of the great things with this pain reducing static position is it requires no fancy equipment and can be done anywhere. Whenever hip, back or even neck issues arise try this simple static stretch.

Getting into Position

To get into position for static back, simply lie on the floor in a supine position (on your back) with knees bent and feet on the floor. Next, bend the knees and hips to 90-degree, as though you were getting ready to perform a crunch, see photo here. You can rest the lower legs on a chair, couch or a plyo box. It is important to keep the angle of the feet, knees and hips at 90-degrees. Abduct the arms away from the body to about 45-degree with the palm up. Now focus on your breath and let the body relax and melt into the exercise mat. This is the starting position for static back or static 90/90 as it’s sometimes referred to.

How Long to Hold the Position

According to Pete Egoscue, an anatomical physiologist and Founder of the Egoscue Method, five minutes in this position is a good starting point. In his book, Pain Free, he recommends five minutes in one of the chapters in his best-selling book. You can always progress to 10-20 minutes for static back if you’re experiencing more pain than usual. Also, try the position multiple times throughout the day to allow the hips and spine to reset back to a “normal” anatomical position.

Focus on Your Breath

It can be a good use of time, while relaxing in the static back position, to try meditative breathing. Focus on breathing from the belly not the chest. Take a deep breath in through the nose and exhale loud enough through the mouth so you can hear it. You should see your stomach rise with every inhalation and deflate with each forceful exhale. One of the many benefits of nasal breathing is it produces nitric oxide. During nasal breathing, your nose releases nitric oxide (NO). NO is a vasodilator, which means it helps to widen blood vessels. This in turn helps improve oxygen circulation in the body.

Final Thoughts

A great way to incorporate static back into your exercise routine, is to add the position before or after you exercise depending on how you feel. It would especially helpful to use, as an example, after a leg routine. Static back for 3-5 minutes will reset your hips and spine by taking advantage of gravity with the body in this relaxed position. Just breath and relax, you’ll be amazed how good your back feels after trying this. As with anything else, this advice should not take the place of a doctor. If you are experiencing chronic pain, consult a physician.

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