What’s your opinion on pre-workout supplements? Do you find them helpful?
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breezy1149 I'm in the minority here I guess, I love pre-workout it hits me in a way that coffee just doesn't, could be a placebo effect but I don't think so.... Plus the Pre-Workout that I buy has creatine added in which has the most scientific factual backing out of any supplement on the market, so....... oh and of course protein powder, I don't know if we're considering that a supplement or not but I need it in order to get the amount of protein that I need daily....
1 month ago
LizLifts24 Oh and as far as supplements I have a ton but take as needed for their specific benefits. I regularly take glucosamine with msm, fish oil, multi vitamin.
1 month ago
salmong I use pre-workout for training. I also find that helps better than caffeine which usually just makes me thirsty. For a while now, I've been using only half a scoop and I find it enough. It helps get that initial burst of energy at the very beginning when it's most needed. After a few completed sets, I don't need additional stimulants except water.
1 month ago
StrokeFit I tend to take caffine, beta alanine and creatine.

sometimes I'll use Vega Energizer only 100 mg caffine
the caffeine helps with my focus, having ADHD it does help.

I drink 40 oz of water before going to gym, going at 4:00 am most days. I don't eat prior either.
1 month ago
tom_porter Pre-workout ingredients do have a physical affect in effective dosages. more plates more dates, Derek has done a good job explaining effective dosages and why he used in Gorilla Mind product. I like Pulse (legionathletics.com/products/supplements/pulse-pre-workout/) and sometime add 3g of L-citrulline for a bit more of a pump. I think high caffeine dosages bothers a lot of people. Some preworkouts com in non-stim versions. One i picked up while traveling is K4 by TriPharm which is just creatine HCI variant, L-Arginine that gave good pump without caffeine but has alpha lipoic acid used as fat burner and is not really compatible with a workout. So many details to consider in pre workout supplements.
1 month ago
p.bxtrm No effect at all.
Creatine is the only supplement that actually do something for training and even creatine have close to zero effect.
The rest do nothing at all, you're just handing over your money to supplement companies.
1 month ago
LizLifts24 I personally use magnesium calm, vitamin C 15k mg (would be too high for most people but it’s my tolerance), creatine, and something to flavor it zip fizz, IV hydration, or amino energy. I try not to add a full dose of the last three because they are too sweet for me. I don’t like to add too much caffeine besides my coffee in the morning. I also need to start drinking more green tea for its health benefits.
1 month ago
Shvabic Not really. Most of the ingredients are fluff besides the caffeine and some others like citrulline with limited scientific backing. Coffee is good enough but recently I have gone completely stim-free with no detriment to my gym performance. I'd keep pre-workout/caffeine consumption to a minimum and only take as needed if you're really tired but still want/need to get a workout in.
1 month ago
ryanhuggins I'm not a fan of the caffeine. I take simple aminos during my workout and that helps keep me going for a good workout.
1 month ago
kalashkid usually don't roll my own, but I find a monster on the way to the gym can be helpful
1 month ago
Jared8572 Great question, I was just thinking I needed to research pre workout supplements earlier today! I take an energy drink with me to the gym, I don't always finish it, though.
1 month ago
Abilotta2 I have no problem drinking them before my workout, during or even after. For me it’s better than drinking a Pepsi. I do not like coffee or tea so that is out. My favorite preworkout is from Chris Bumstead. He has some really good flavors and not bitter at the end. I like Evogen products too. The grape cotton candy was umm delish. Has that sparkling taste to it
1 month ago
ctout85 I buy 'zero caffeine hit' it's electrolyte tablets with caffeine in them. Wakes me up enought for my 3.30am workouts before work
1 month ago
Nedj1 TO TRY: 200 mg of caffeine ( pill or regular coffee ) with a table spoon of real honey and a pinch of Himalaya salt.

take it 20-30 minutes before your session.

it give me better pumps then regular sugary preworkout and feel amazing afterward.

ps: go easy on the salt
1 month ago
ErvinElzie I’m one of the minority on creatine as well.

The brand and kind I use is more suited for endurance/performance rather than pump/energy.

I feel it gives me the umph to not only go the extra mile but sustain that throughout my entire workout.
1 month ago
bronckyoplinter paracetamol - coffee - black chocolate - Metallica cheap and effective
1 month ago
GarySundin Steel supplements work for me and works really good if I do not drink coffee or on empty stomach. Protein as long as mix with fiber supplement. Creatine with morning protein shake daily. I am 54 not sure what works but I go to gym 5 to 6 days a week so I will continue to do the same. Have a safe workout every one.
29 days ago

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