is it normal to feel more of a pump doing lighter weight/shorter rest and more reps rather than heavier and less reps more rest? I've googled it but not really got any clear answers, or is it just an individual thing? no Biggie, just curious really...
2 people like this 7 comments
p.bxtrm Yes it is.
18 days ago
DavidH1983 yes
18 days ago
ErvinElzie It’s actually quite common to feel a more pronounced pump when doing lighter weights with shorter rest periods and higher reps compared to heavier weights with longer rest periods and fewer reps. Here’s why this might happen:

1. Muscle Blood Flow: When you perform exercises with lighter weights and higher reps, you often experience increased blood flow to the muscles. This increased blood flow can result in a greater “pump” sensation, where the muscles feel fuller and more engorged due to the influx of blood and nutrients.
2. Metabolic Stress: Lighter weights and higher reps can induce more metabolic stress on the muscles. This stress can lead to the accumulation of metabolic byproducts like lactate, which can contribute to the sensation of a pump.
3. Individual Variation: The response to different training protocols can vary from person to person. Some individuals may experience a more noticeable pump with lighter weights and higher reps, while others may respond better to heavier weights and lower reps. It can depend on factors such as muscle fiber composition, training history, and individual physiology.
4. Hydration and Nutrition: Factors like hydration and nutrition can also influence the sensation of a pump. Adequate hydration and nutrient intake can support muscle performance and blood flow during workouts.
18 days ago
AelwxKraetorDraNator It is for me
18 days ago

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