Can any of my peeps with back pain give me some reassurance:') I'm not as consistent as I could be I believe. Been trying to get more then 5k steps a day, now trying for 8k. Trying to go on at least 1-2 walks a day(a mile each). I don't have a job currently, no kids and my partner takes the car to work so I'm kinda stuck in a small town with nothing to do other than walk out to the country, no Ubers and no family/friends close enough by... Been trying to drink more water and eat more but it's so hard to get 1500+ calories everyday for my muscles. Already been to every damn physical therapist in the area so I don't need more Drs, just need to be better. One helped me discover pilates which has helped my core a ton but I miss my weight lifting exercises(I don't lift heavy). maybe I baby my back too much idk, thanks for reading the rant. any advice is very welcome:)
3 people like this 15 comments
salmong Stretch, do bodyweight exercises, and try to stay positive. You have this community's full moral support! 💪🏻😉👍🏻
14 days ago
AelwxKraetorDraNator Explore calisthenics
15 days ago
bhuzelom I have back issues too! But it’s getting better since I started core workouts using Jeffits. I don’t go hardcore; however I try plank, crunch and leg raise every time I workout. I hope those simple plank, crunch and leg raise help you too. Good luck😀
14 days ago
mrjon off bones, ligaments, tendons. Probably every other day for 15-30 minutes. Longer if you feel ok and or do the stretching every day. Do full body stretches once a week minimum with range motion emphasis. 8fit app has good ideas for light body weight, stretches, pilates, yoga in the free version.
14 days ago
mrjon Based on your statement of “it’s hard to get 1500+ calories a day” Ill guess you are way under 150 lbs. Don’t worry about hitting high calories, it’s easier to count protein, but first. Studies in “blue zones” around the world found that most people there whom live well into their 100’s have low/lower calorie, high nutrient diets. There are protein calculators on the web where you input weight, sex, goals, and will give you precise numbers. My guess is 40-55 grams a day. Pretty easy to do 15-20 grams a meal, even with vegetarian or gluten restrictions.
14 days ago
tom_porter keep walking. do some bodyweight and light weight exercises. I recovered from death by office chair. you can do it too. it's a rewarding journey.
14 days ago
DallasD_OK I'm recovering from bulging and torn discs right now and I can't say this enough, core work and stretching. The top three exercises I do are bird dogs and Dead bugs with band resistance. the last is my favorite, Chinese planks, I'm now getting to where I can add weight and my core is responding well.
12 days ago
mrjon Try stretches, light body weight exercises, 5 lb dumbbells ok, exercises that focus around the problem pain areas. Very lightly building more muscle around pain areas is a good thing and helps take stress
14 days ago

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