The PauloCzarnewski routine by czarnewski is a 4 day workout plan. It is a beginner level plan to achieve general fitness goals.
Plan Description
This flexible 7-day workout plan is designed to train all muscle groups, for both men and women (see...
This flexible 7-day workout plan is designed to train all muscle groups, for both men and women (see details below). The plan consists of 4 exercise routines (of about 1h each) to be executed, preferably every day of the week, one routine at a time (see details below).
Exercises were carefully chosen produce the best efficiency and at the same time provide the lowest risk for injuries. This training plan is generic, and thus every exercise can be easily replaced.
The non-commitment of this routine to specific days of the week, makes it perfect to implement it in your day-to-day life. You just need to loop through the routines, always in the same order. Adding an additional rest day is optional, but it is not necessary.
> Bulking (Men and women)
Stimulation of muscle growth depends on performing every set in this workout plan close to failure (i.e. the 8th last rep of each set should be quite hard). Keep in mind your limits, start with a lower weight and progressively increase, if needed. It is ok to stop some reps before if you reached failure before the 8th rep. If the weights of the 1st set were too light or you reached muscle failure before, don’t overdo the next sets, instead, take notes and adjust the weight so the next set of that exercise (maybe even in another training day) is more adequate. Again, keep your safety and limits in mind, injuring yourself will lead to delays in your training and goals.
Having the exercise load defined above, we can now discuss when and how often to train. For faster muscle growth, I recommend doing this training routine 2 times per day, one in the morning and another in the afternoon. This means that you would wake up and go training in the morning (~1h), shower, go to work/school, and do another pass of the exact same training you did in the morning (~1h). For example, if it is time for the “Chest&Triceps” workout today, you will train it both in the morning and in the afternoon. Important: Weight training for more that 1 hour is not efficient and increase considerably the risk of injury, so never train for more than 1h at a time, and space your trainings on the same day with at least 6 hours (but preferably > 8 hours), to allow you body to properly recover the energy required for the evening workout.
If you follow the training load and workout frequency recommended above, you will notice that the evening workout is NOT harder than the morning one, because your muscles will NOT be sore yet (which will happen about 20-48 later). Since you will train specific muscle groups per day, the next day’s workout efficiency will not be affected by the previous days’ workouts. Besides, having 4 different workout days allows your body to fully recover from soreness between sessions on the same muscle group.
> Body fat loss
> Maintaining (Men and women)
Day 8
Day 8
Day 8
Day 8
Est time: 0 min
0 exercises
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