5 Muscle Building Leg Exercises You Should do at the Gym

The following article looks at a few of the best muscle building leg exercises to do at the gym (in no particular order). Our list includes only compound leg exercises to ensure you incorporate as many different muscles groups at one time. Compound exercises in any strength training program offers many advantages. Including, having to use a lower number of exercises for that particular training session, meaning, less time working out. Here are our five leg exercises and hopefully you can add a few of them to your next leg day.

1. Hack Squat

2. Barbell Squat

There are more than 600 muscles in the body with the largest being the gluteus maximus. In addition to targeting the quadriceps, hamstrings and adductor muscles, the barbell squat exercise, is one of the best exercises for developing the glutes.

Therefore, the squat is an excellent lower body exercise to train your quadriceps, glutes, adductors, and hamstrings.

3. Squat to Shoulder Press

We added this to the list because the exercise packs a powerful punch, especially in terms of muscle activation. Sure, you’ll have to use less weight as opposed to a barbell squat. But the trade off is huge. Think about all the added muscle you need to perform the exercise. In addition to the lower body, you target the shoulders, arms and core.

4. Barbell Bulgarian Split Squat

It is always a smart idea to add in an exercise or two that works the legs independently. The Bulgarian split squat will do just that.

5. Machine Leg Press

A much safer exercise than barbell related leg exercises which are not for eveyone

Final Thoughts

Each of these five exercise are great to do at the gym on your next leg day. Choose a few of them and let us know how it goes.

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