Do you notice a difference in muscle recovery when using BCAAs as opposed to when you don’t?
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breezy1149 the supplement aspect (and when I say supplements I don't mean protein that's pivotal obviously)but everything else ,is going to amount to such a tiny % of any success you might have or results you might get...75% of it is diet, sleep, genetics, lifestyle choices, ect...24 % is from the working out, progressive overload, good form, TUT, discipline ,consistency, recovery, going to an RIR of at least 2 or 3 and to complete failure sometimes ect..... EVERYTHING ELSE, all that BS you see in GNC is less than the remaining 1%, creatine might help a little... if you can afford it and if it gives you a mental edge because you think BCAA's aid in recovery I say go with God, to each there own but all supplements are such a microscopic aspect of it 😉 unless we're talking about testosterone and you're enhanced and then that's a totally different story but anyways... food for thought...
1 month ago
p.bxtrm You get all the BCAA's you need and then some from your daily protein intakt. Adding extra have no effect at all.
1 month ago
LizLifts24 Take it and see how it makes you feel. Someone else asked about preworkout and I put some info there. You can also google pub med and then whatever you are curious about to find medical literature on its effects I also like At.Axe
1 month ago
Shvabic BCAAs are completely redundant if your daily protein targets are met. It's just pissing money away
1 month ago
Trashpool I've been taking them for a month now and noticed no difference in my recovery or how i feel. i have taken iron supplements in the past which took a month to notice any difference though so i may try another month and see how I feel. But i know everyone is different.
1 month ago
Carlton40 That’s clear. Thanks for
1 month ago
salmong To answer your question.
I see no difference.
1 month ago
trimo2020 initial placebo effect. and then microscopic non meaningful difference
1 month ago

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