I need help finding a successful routine. I’m stuck somewhere between beginner and intermediate working the strong lifts 5x5 program but I don’t love it. Would like to build mass using dumbbells/barbells working 4 days a week. Anyone have a suggestion?
3 people like this 10 comments
JesterSpirit Building mass and power; in my opinion the best program is wendler 531. There are add ons and it’s very customizable. I modify and use it for strongman training and it has been amazing! I’ve been using it for just about 2 years and my 1RMs have gone up much further and faster than I anticipated.
1 year ago
rachielebiancacheng I have a 4 day 1 month routine
each week is done differently. 1st week strength, heavy weight and low reps, 2nd is hypertrophy and dropsets, 3rd has high reps and 4th is for endurance and sorta deload

variation keeps things interesting 😊
1 year ago
sheshax try PPL training, as u hit the muscle groups twice in a week, if ur not seeing gains it could also be other reasons... nutrition or rest or ur weights are below what u are actually think u can achieve...u want to stress ur muscles for new ones to grow.... results show after 3 months on average for me....
1 year ago
MrAWD Plus one for 5-3-1!! I was doing bro stuff for a long time and never improved on almost anything. Kept squatting 5 sets of 225 for years. I finally stumbled upon 5x5 and quickly got to 285x5. Than it got a bit too heavy and too long at those weights I was doing. Switched to 5-3-1 and my squats are over 400 now even at this advanced age! 😀
1 year ago
minmax77 I would definetly suggest Upper Lower split 4x week. it will let you train everything twice a week while still giveing three days off.
1 year ago

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