Simple advice for nutrition to loose fat. 1. increase your leucine levels a lot. it deals with protein absorbtion but also blocks muscle deconstruction forcing your workouts to rely on burning more fat for energy. 2. Increase your hormonal output with spiruline and gingseng/dong quai (female body). 3. do not eat 4 hours after a workout. you will force your body to stay in catabolism. 5. you have to activate q10 in your body. and it starts synthesis only after prolonged body stress. which means. train every day for 7 days with intense cardio. then you can go back to your normal routine. works wonders. Also don't take plain caffeene. drink matcha tea in the morning with a 4 or 5 lvl quallity matcha powder. much healthier for your vessels.
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Grim_Reefer What a bunch of nonsense. Leucine on its own does not protect from catabolism. Then you recommend to spend 4 hours in a catabolic state after workouts? My god....this is the kind of garbage "information" that sets people up to fail. No one should listen to a single word of this unless you want to lose your hard earned muscle. Ridiculous.
1 year ago
Rami.AlHaddad Supplementing with Lucine is not necessary when you are consuming an optimal dose of protein. If you are cutting protein dose should be closer to the higher recommended range. when bulking, protein should be lower to the mid/low recommended range. An optimal dose of protein has been demonstrated over and gain to be more conducive to muscle accretion in both younger and older adults long term.

Spirulina, all results are preliminary concerning body composition and sports performance and not notable. The same goes for the other two. They might have demonstrated potential effects in other areas, though.

Assuming enough calories are consumed throughout the day, there is no such thing as an anabolic/catabolic window persay. From an optimization point of view consuming a meal of quality carbs/protein within 4 to 6 hours of a workout is a good idea.
1 year ago
Rami.AlHaddad COQ10 is a naturally produced pseudovitamin necessary for survival as an antioxidant and facilitator of energy production in the mitochondria. There is no substantial evidence for the need for supplementation in healthy individuals.

Caffeine is awesome. get from wherever whatever juice your heart desires. Marcha is just green tea (contains caffeine) with high amino acid content. Doesn't necessarily mean it is better for performance or body composition outcomes or general health outcomes. the one study I'm aware of demonstrated superior outcomes from coffee.
1 year ago
If you are still relying on slim teas/fat burners, and magic pills for your results, you are doing it wrong, wasting your time and money. Building/maintaining muscle mass or minimizing loss of muscle mass is all contingent upon a holistic regimen of exercise and recovery (nutrition/sleep/hydration/stress management) that provides adequate signaling to MPS and is conductive of a net anabolic state.
1 year ago
johncowart then structure your advice around the object for clarity. ie to lose weight at the expense of muscle.... gain muscle but gain weight do this.... kind of thing. your advice here is just for loosing weight I'm guessing not for bulking or maybe a variation. Do you bulk and shred or neither?
1 year ago
jlhflex Calorie Deficit...... Calories in, calories out....
1 year ago
darnallb Simplicity is key. Fat loss is simple math. Calories in vs. calories out. Caloric intake above your baseline needs will result in fat storage, and it does not matter where the calories come from (protein, carbs, or fat). If your base caloric intake (the amount of calories your body needs to function normally) is 2500, and you reduce that amount by 500 calories per day while maintaining your normal daily routine (including exercise) you will lose weight. Start off slowly by spending a week documenting your normal caloric intake. Do some simple math and determine your daily average. Reduce that intake by 100 calories daily for the first week, 200 calories the second week, and so on, until you reach a maximum of a 500 calorie reduction. Maintain your current activity levels (including your workouts). The most important equation is be patient. Your body will do the work if you give it what it needs, or systematically take away what isn't needed as much for a time.
12 months ago

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