What are peoples thoughts on working out twice a day? Im finding the gym to be the best part if my day and I want to go back to it but I don’t know if its good for the body
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jojolock1974 mostly those training for an event etc or some will split their weights from cardio.

as a beginner I suggest you don't ! rest is so important and where the magic happens .

that being said, I totally know where you are coming from. so if you fancy 2 visits in a day, you could use your second visit for mobility work..hope this helps xx
1 year ago
Soner911 its because you didn’t train hard enough
1 year ago
randy_purnell Not a great idea for a beginner; your body in the beginning needs way more recovery time than someone who's been at it for years.
1 year ago
meganehrenberg The gym has been the best part of my day for many years but there isn't a day that goes by that I don't wish I had been smarter about it and rested more when I was younger. Your body will thank you, you'll be stronger and healthier and will be able to do all the things for the rest of your life. two a days are ok once in a while or if you break a single workout into two but let your body and central nervous system recover.
1 year ago
AlexiosImFittie Great input guys
1 year ago
AelwxKraetorDraNator If I'm not competing, I wouldn't do it
1 year ago
heimdall80 do it. but don't workout double. if u have a trainingsplan, eg 60 minutes, it's ok to split it. do 2x 30 minutes and after some cardio, if u feel better.

but don't train a muscle twice a day...that meens, don't workout ur plan twice a day (if u can, ur doing it propably wrong), but also don't split chest morning and avening. a muscle isn't build during workout, it needs some rest to grow.
1 year ago
gif-like-jiff "Two-a-days" are pretty common with competitors, however if competing is not your goal then I wouldn't suggest it. The only time this might be useful is if your schedule doesn't allow for one "full" session, or if one exercise benefits you at a specific time of day more than another (like doing cardio to wake you up in the morning then lifting after work in the evening).
If it's a time-crunch issue there are other options: HIIT and tabata are great for a quick burn if you like intense cardio; alternatively, you could also get indirect cardio in if you do supersets while lifting.
Rest and fuel are just as (if not more) important as working out so be sure you're getting adequate rest and not underfeeding your body if you decide to go this route.
1 year ago
rrurban Yes! The Bulgarian burst training regimen is 3 times a day 30 minute sessions six days a week, at 18 sessions per week. I once did this program years ago and gained 15 pounds of muscle in six months after two years of being stagnant. For each session you work out one muscle only.
1 year ago
jorgebasilio I'd prefer to rest and eat well after an exhausting sesh lol
1 year ago
SassieCass I think when it comes to working out, you know your body best. Do what you think you can handle and is best.
1 year ago
lucius__ Totally agree with it! If u have time and enough motivation, u have to do it! 😊👏
1 year ago
JoelLavallee2 My suggestion would be to up the intensity of that initial workout. Make it tougher and burn that energy so you physically can't go back... that burn becomes highly addictive and satisfying! Enjoy the journey and remember persistance is key!!! :)
1 year ago
Surbhi Jais I want to go back to it but I don’t know if its good for the body for this you have to search on google
1 year ago
alirezashishehgar Thanks for the commentary and the blog post
1 year ago
jlhflex It just depends on the goal and your ability to recover. I would NOT perform "2 a days" on a regular basis. Personally Ill use them to perform, for example, Quads in morning and Hamstrings and calves in the evening. Uually my 2nd workout is calves and Abs. You can pretty much work them every single day on any day.
1 year ago
Heine I would suggest doing some sort of cardio in the morning, and then come back to do your weight lifting.
1 year ago
Glenn.Eldridge I sit at my computer for work for up to 9-hours a day. I do about 15-mins of cardio for one workout with a full weight workout for my 2nd workout. Sitting for 9-hours is too much rest <smile>.
1 year ago
Suvalley im wondering about this aswell, im about to do cardio in the morning and weights in the evening, 3 times a week and 3 times boxing in the week, i try to give each mussle group enougfh rest time so i split my boddy up in 3 catagorys and abs your allowed to train every day, the rest needs 2-3 days recovery, im new to it but this is what people telling me around me and chat gpt gives quite some awnsers to moste of this questions as well XD
1 year ago
marjanferdous Yes, regular gym is good for health. Exercise delivers oxygen and nutrients to our tissues and helps our cardiovascular system work more efficiently. And when our heart and lung health improve, we have more energy to tackle daily chores.
1 year ago
lamarclark09 Well exercise does support overall good health but excessive exercise can cause problems as well. So if you can avoid the risk of overtraining and work your way through it, then it will not be a problem.
1 year ago
cday4 By working out twice a day, you are increasing your physical activity, which may also help you maintain a healthy weight and increase your fitness level. Working out twice a day also improves your overall performance. Training twice a day triggers accelerated growth of muscle mass and strength.
1 year ago
PaulineK Just looking back on personal experience of doing weight training MWF and cardio M-F in the afternoons was a really great way to stay physically active and then rest over the weekend. Each lifting day, target a different muscle group so that each group has a full week to recover before tackling it again. I was able to double my weight lifted within a 3 month period of time.
1 year ago
stevewms It you are young and able to recover quickly —AND have the time, why not? But if you start to feel tendon strain or joint pain, ease up a bit. It's not worth an injury that could keep you out of the gym for weeks!
1 year ago
ryanhuggins Depends on what you do. I used to go before and after work. In the morning I'd get my cardio out of the way, shower, then go to work. After work I'd do a couple minutes of light cardio to warm-up after sitting most of the day (or heavier if I wanted to pre-exhaust my legs) and then do my weight training.

Doing two completely different things kept me from risking burnout and overuse injuries (or at least delaying them).

I wouldn't work out chest two times a day, but chest in the AM and back in the PM, sure. Quads and hammies in the AM and calves in the PM, sure.
1 year ago
jlhflex Unless you are a Competitive Athlete, there is NO reason to workout 2 times a day. More does not mean better. Ive done "2 a days" periodically if I am getting ready for a competition. Like say my normal workout in the morning example Chest and Tris, then evening might do calves and abs. These two muscles can handle it. Doing cardio and then weight training in a single day is over doing it and unnecessary. What really matters is seeing results... All the workouts in the world are not going to do a bit of good if you are not seeing the results, diet in check and good rest....
1 year ago

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