The Body Weight Home Circuit - Level 1* routine by curtis.d.kurtz is a 0 day workout plan. It is a beginner level plan to achieve general fitness goals.
Plan Description
This is a good first step to take if you’re looking to start an exercise program. All exercises feat...
This is a good first step to take if you’re looking to start an exercise program. All exercises featured in this two day a week routine utilize only body weight.
As with any new exercise program or when you’re coming to the game with minimal experience- “always err on the side of caution.” Meaning move slowly through the routine and make sure you’re warmed up before starting.
This program has only two circuits or rounds - compared to three - found in Level 2 and 3 of this program. When this routine becomes less challenging for you - progress to Level 2.
Good luck - be well and stay strong!
“Whether you think you can or can’t ....your right.” Henry Ford
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