Light/heavy program week 2
Arion68 avatar Arion68
Jun 6th 2019

Light/heavy program week 2


Equipment required: Dumbell, Barbell, Kettlebell, Bench, and Machine

This plan supports Interval mode and Audio Cue & Pro Tips

Light Heave program

consisting of 1 week mixed, 1 week light, 1 week mixed, 1 week light.
first week you train 7 days a week. 2th week 3 days a week, 3th week 7 days a week, 4th week 3 days a week. After that you can start over or change program.
goal: gain & lean

explanation heavy:
legs: 3 to 4 exercises 3 sets 6 to 8 reps (calculate percentage to set the weight to reach 6 reps. Last two need to be squeezed out)
back: 4 exercises 3 sets 6 to 8 reps (calculate percentage to set the weight to reach 6 reps. Last two need to be squeezed out)
chest; 4 exercises 3 sets 6 to 8 reps (calculate percentage to set the weight to reach 6 reps. Last two need to be squeezed out)
shoulders: 2 exercises per delt-part 3 sets 6 to 8 reps (calculate percentage to set the weight to reach 6 reps. Last two need to be squeezed out)
biceps/triceps: 3 exercises 4 sets 8 to 12 reps (calculate percentage to set the weight to reach 6 reps. Last two need to be squeezed out)

* make sure you focus in each rep on squeezing the barbell/dumbbell to get extra stimulation
** between each bodypart perform 1 tabata (20 seconds high intensity / 10 seconds rest - do this 8 times)
explanation light:
legs: 1 exercise 5 sets 10 to 15 reps change focus every next light-day. example: hamstrings first, glutes second, etc.
back: 1 exercise 5 sets 10 to 15 reps change exercise every next 'light' day: pull ups first, row second...
chest: 1 exercise 5 sets 10 to 15 reps change exercise every next light-day: bench press first, incline press second...
shoulders: 1 exercise 5 sets 10 to 15 reps take only one delt-part. Next light-day you take other delt-part
biceps/triceps: 1 exercise each 5 sets 10 to 15 reps change exercise every next light-day: EZ-curl first, hammer curl second, etc.