The Full Body Kettlebell Intervals routine by JefitTeam is a 2 day workout plan. It is a intermediate level plan to achieve general fitness goals.
Plan Description
The only thing you need for these two fast-paced workout sessions is a pair of kettlebells and you'r...
The only thing you need for these two fast-paced workout sessions is a pair of kettlebells and you're good to go.
In the Day 1 workout you have 9 different exercises, including three paired supersets to make things fun. Total workout time is about 20-minutes.
In the Day 2 workout session, you have 8 different exercises, three of which are supersets. This session is a bit longer at about 22-minutes.
Interval based workouts like this one use shorter recovery periods between sets, compared to traditional strength workouts, and in turn this should help you burn more overall calories in the workout sessions.
Stay Strong,
Jefit Team
Workout 1
Est time: 19 min
9 exercises
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