Upper Legs
Lower Legs
Body Weight
reps and duration
The carioca warm-up drill, also known as the grapevine drill, is a dynamic exercise that helps to improve agility, coordination, and lateral movement. Begin by standing with your feet hip-width apart and your arms relaxed at your sides. Engage your core muscles to stabilize your torso. Start with a basic carioca step. Take a sideways step to your right with your right foot, crossing it behind your left foot. Then, step to the right again with your left foot, uncrossing it from behind your right foot. Your feet should now be back in the starting position, but with your left foot slightly to the right of your right foot. Continue moving sideways to the right by crossing your right foot over your left foot, followed by your left foot stepping to the right. Repeat this crossing-over motion as you move across the space. Coordinate your arm movement with your leg movement to enhance balance and coordination. As you step to the right with your right foot, swing your left arm across your body in front of you. Similarly, when stepping to the right with your left foot, swing your right arm across your body. Keep your body low to the ground throughout the drill by bending your knees slightly. This helps to engage your leg muscles and maintain stability. Once you're comfortable with the basic carioca step, gradually increase the speed of your movements. Focus on maintaining control and proper form as you pick up the pace. After completing several repetitions moving to the right, switch directions and perform the carioca drill to the left. Begin by stepping to the left with your left foot, crossing it behind your right foot, then continue with the crossing-over motion.
Alternative Upper Legs Exercises