Cable Incline Fly
Beginner - Strength - Isolation

Targeted Muscle Group

Chest figure highlighted in blue



Shoulders figure highlighted in blue


 figure highlighted in blue

Recommended Equipment

Machine - Strength equipment

Machine - Strength

How to do it

The cable fly exercise helps target your upper chest and top pectoral muscles.

Steps :

1.) Start off setting up a bench so that it is at a 35 or 45 incline angle and placed in between two cable machines facing each other.

2.) Grab onto the handles, sit on the edge of the bench and then lean back with your arms out at your sides and elbows slightly bent, as this will be your starting position.

3.) Pull on the cables, with your arms extended out and using your chest to pull the cables, until the handles are directly above your chest.

4.) Squeeze with your chest and hold for a count then return back to the starting position.

Tips :

1.) Keep your elbows slightly bent at the same position from the start to the finish.

2.) The most important thing is to focus on using your chest as much as possible when performing this exercise without using your triceps or arms.