Upper Legs
Lower Legs
weight and reps
The barbell single-leg squat isolates, builds and strengthens the leg muscles. Steps : 1.) Start off by placing a bench or box 12-18 inches tall behind you. 2.) Then lift a barbell off of a weight rack and position it on your shoulders. 3.) Place one foot up on the bench, and your other foot firmly on the floor 2-3 feet in front you. 4.) Drawing your abs in, descend slowly by bending your front knee and hip in a squatting motion. 5.) Squat down as far as you can control without letting your body shift towards your toe. 6.) Pause in the downward position, hold for a count and slowly return upright to the starting position. 7.) Switch legs and repeat for as many reps and sets as desired. Tips : 1.) You can use a pad on the bar or towel on your shoulders to help improve your grip and reduce the discomfort of the bar against your back. 2.) By using a taller box, you are increasing the difficulty of the exercise.
Alternative Upper Legs Exercises