3 Week 6 Set Magic High Frequency cycle
hallbt20 avatar hallbt20
Mar 27th 2015

3 Week 6 Set Magic High Frequency cycle


5 DAYS - Bulking - Advanced

Equipment required: Dumbell, Barbell, Kettlebell, Bench, and Machine

This plan supports Interval mode and Audio Cue & Pro Tips

Begin with 55% of your 1RM for each lift. Each lift is performed 6 times a week. You do 6 sets of 3 the first week, 6 sets of 4 the second week, and 6 sets of 5 on the third and final week of the cycle. After each 3 week cycle add 5% to each of your working weights and begin a new cycle. When you eventually stick, divide your working weights by .8 , then take the result of that and multiply it by .55 to arrive at your new starting weight. This part of the workout should take about 40 mins.

To prevent boredom in addition to the above I use body building sets with the following split:

M & Th: A Upper Leg Movement and Calves
T & F: An Upper Body Press and Tris
W & S: An Upper Body Pull and Bis

Upper Leg and Torso get 3-5 sets of 8-12 reps, and Calves, Tris, and Bis get 2-4 sets of 10-15. Ab work can be done between those sets. This part of the workout should take about 10 - 20 mins.

All total you should be in and out in about an hour. Any more than that and you are wasting your time.

Happy lifting!