The 5/3/1 Strength Program
JefitTeam avatar JefitTeam
May 2nd 2024

The 5/3/1 Strength Program


28 DAYS - Bulking - Advanced

Equipment required: Dumbell, Barbell, Kettlebell, Bench, and Machine

This plan supports Interval mode and Audio Cue & Pro Tips

The 5/3/1 strength training program is an advanced 28-day exercise program that revolves around four main compound lifts: squat, bench press, deadlift, and overhead press. It utilizes a monthly progression scheme based on percentages of one-rep max (1RM). Depending on your current fitness level, you could try 75, 80, 85 and then 90 percent of your current 1-RM over the next four weeks for the primary exercise for each day..

The program is structured around a monthly cycle, with each week focusing on progressively heavier weights for fewer repetitions. The name "5/3/1" refers to the rep scheme used for the main lifts in the final set of each workout:

Week 1: The lifter performs three sets of five reps (5/5/5+) on each main lift. The last set is an "AMRAP" (As Many Reps As Possible) set, where the lifter aims to perform as many reps as possible with the prescribed weight.

Week 2: The lifter performs three sets, with the first set consisting of five reps (5), the second set consisting of three reps (3), and the final set being an AMRAP set (3/3/3+).

Week 3: This week involves one set of five reps (5), one set of three reps (3), and one set of one rep (1+) for each main lift (5/3/1+). Again, the final set is an AMRAP set.

Week 4: Known as the deload week, the lifter reduces the weight used in the previous weeks and performs three sets of five reps (5/5/5) on each main lift. This week allows for recovery and prepares the lifter for the next cycle.

After completing the fourth week, the lifter increases the weight used for each exercise in the next cycle. The program can also incorporates assistance exercises to target specific muscle groups and address weaknesses. We have taken the liberty to add a few, feel free to customize or switch out your own exercises as needed.

Day 1 - Squat: This day focuses on squatting. The lifter performs the main squatting movement according to the 5/3/1 rep scheme, followed by assistance exercises targeting the lower body, such as lunges, leg presses, or Romanian deadlifts.

Day 2 - Bench Press: This day is dedicated to the bench press. The lifter follows the 5/3/1 rep scheme for bench press, then incorporates assistance exercises for the chest, shoulders, and triceps, such as dumbbell presses, dips, or tricep extensions.

Day 3 - Deadlift: Deadlifts are the focus of this day. The lifter performs the main deadlift movement using the 5/3/1 rep scheme, followed by assistance exercises to strengthen the posterior chain, such as stiff-legged deadlifts, hyperextensions, or bent-over rows.

Day 4 - Overhead Press: This day centers around the overhead press. The lifter follows the 5/3/1 rep scheme for the overhead press and includes assistance exercises for the shoulders, upper back, and arms, such as lateral raises, pull-ups, or face pulls.

One of the key principles of the 5/3/1 Program is the concept of "training max," which is typically set at 90% of the lifter's one-rep max (1RM) for each lift. This allows for sustainable progress and reduces the risk of overtraining or injury.

The 5/3/1 Program is highly customizable, allowing lifters to adjust the assistance exercises, volume, and intensity based on their individual goals and preferences. It's suitable for lifters of all levels, from beginners to advanced athletes, and has been widely praised for its effectiveness in building strength and muscle mass over the long term. In this program, you will train for four days followed by three days of recovery and repeat for the following four weeks.

Stay Strong Together,
