Super setting x (compound + isolation) / [fast twitch + slow twitch] = massive strength and size gai
DpMario avatar DpMario
Aug 21st 2019

Super setting x (compound + isolation) / [fast twitch + slow twitch] = massive strength and size gai


4 DAYS - Bulking - Intermediate

Equipment required: Dumbell, Barbell, Kettlebell, Bench, and Machine

This plan supports Interval mode and Audio Cue & Pro Tips

Focus on strength and all round performance. Hitting both fast and slow twitch muscles. Every exercise is done in a super set, except deadlifts on some days. You will be superseting low rep/high weight with high rep / low weight. On supersets with 4 or 5 sets, final set will be done with very heavy weight and ultra light weight. As this is a muscle building and strength gaining routine, the main focus is to perform both very heavy lifts and light lifts with high reps. This will ensure optimal muscle growth as well as calorie burn for fat loss. Performing super-sets throughout the entire routine will keep your heart rate and intensity up throughout your entire workout, thus triggering muscle growth and fat loss. Intensity is key throughout this entire workout, no rest between supersets. Always keeping your heart rate up and consistently lifting weights. Each training day be sure to start with 4 or 5 sets of either deadlift squats or bench press. Done in a pyramid style. 4 rep heavy 6 rep kind of heavy 10 rep not bad 15 rep light 4 rep oh fuck this is hard