The Big 6 Strength Plan routine by JefitTeam is a 2 day workout plan. It is a beginner level plan to achieve bulking fitness goals.
Plan Description
The “Big 6” refers to six multi-joint exercises considered to be some of the best movements you can ...
The “Big 6” refers to six multi-joint exercises considered to be some of the best movements you can do to build muscle mass. The plan is a full body workout that should be performed twice a week with 2-days of rest in between workout sessions.
Take full advantage of the rest break between sets. If adequate rest is not given to a muscle or muscle group, how can you perform a maximal set? You can’t... if you don’t overload your muscles you can forget about getting stronger and building muscle. Remember, a muscle is only about 80% recovered one-minute post. So take the full time to recovery, stretching or rolling out between sets if you want to really maximize your workout.
Stay Strong,
Michael Wood, CSCS
JeFit Team
Day 1
Day 2
Workout 1
Est time: 59 min
6 exercises
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