Maximum Muscle Protein Synthesis
hallbt20 avatar hallbt20
May 3rd 2015

Maximum Muscle Protein Synthesis


5 DAYS - Bulking - Advanced

Equipment required: Dumbell, Barbell, Kettlebell, Bench, and Machine

This plan supports Interval mode and Audio Cue & Pro Tips

The reason for the design of this workout is very simple, steady and ongoing muscle protein synthesis. I will give you the hows, but the whys are simply too involved and will not be included. If you want to know those you will have to do your own research.

Sets and Reps

10 sets of 3 reps done with the fastest bar-speed possible (with PERFECT form). The first two exercises are supersetted, as are the second two.

Rest Periods

The rest periods are kept to a minimum for the purpose of forcing the trainee to work with lighter weights.


You will be doing a full body workout six times a week with one day of rest. The frequency is important for maximum MPS (muscle protein synthesis). The high frequency necessitates the lighter loads mentioned above.


If you are feeling anything more than VERY LIGHT DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) the day after your workout, your weights are TOO HEAVY. If you are feeling nothing at all, you are working too light. If you have feeling of fullness or a pleasant tightness in the muscle, you have found the sweet spot. It is better to start light and maintain proper form while slowing adding weight over the course of weeks to find that sweet spot than it is to lift too heavy sacrificing form while at the same time sabotaging the very purpose of your workouts.

Exercise Selection

Notice that each day has a two lower body exercises ( one glute/quad based, and one ham/lumbar based ), and two upper body exercises ( one push, and one pull). Feel free to substitute other like exercises for the ones I have. The way I have it presently is designed to provide variety as well as to insure you maintain good balance. I like barbells, but dumbbells or kettle-bells could certainly be used if you prefer.


Feel free to hit me up with them. If I get a question enough I will not only answer it individually but will add a paragraph here too if necessary.

Happy lifting to you all. ---- Dr. Britt T. Hall, D.C.