HTS - Legs & Upper Body
bozzy42 avatar bozzy42
Jul 19th 2015

HTS - Legs & Upper Body


1 DAYS - Bulking - Intermediate

Equipment required: Dumbell, Barbell, Kettlebell, Bench, and Machine

This plan supports Interval mode and Audio Cue & Pro Tips

Remember to warmup and stretch/foam-roll prior to training.

Here are 2 workout days split into Legs + Upper Body. Feel free to either do them as you see here or do a mix of squats + some upper body work for both days.


Squats 4 sets at 8, 10, 10, 12-15 reps

Dumbbell Walking (or Static) Lunges 2 – 3 sets at 20-30 reps (total – combined both legs)

Romanian Deadlifts OR Hamstring Leg Curls 4 sets at 8, 8, 10-12 reps

Calve raises on leg press machine OR on hack squat machine 2 – 3 sets at 12 – 15 reps


Pull-ups 3 sets – stopping at 1 rep short of failure/full-contraction (use the pin-loaded assisted machine if need be)

Barbell Bent Over Rows (over or underhand) 4 sets at 8, 8, 10-12 reps

Bodyweight Dips 3 sets - stopping at 1 rep short of failure/full-contraction (use the pin-loaded assisted machine if need be)

Incline Bench Press 4 sets at 8, 8, 10-12 reps

*Additional (If you still have good energy)
Neutral grip/D-Grip Bar – Lat Pulldown Machine 3 sets at 10, 10, 12 - 15

Pullups/Chinups: Once you are able to do 10 or more, start adding weight and do weighted chins/pull-ups. A good starting point is 5 reps for the heaviest first set, followed by 8-10 and 10+, stopping 1 rep short of total failure.

Progression goals (Weekly and per session) When you are able to do 1 - 2 extra reps for the first or both of the first sets, bump the weight up by 2.5kg for the next workout and aim for the same reps again. (eg. Set 1 - 8 reps, if you are able to do 9 or 10 reps with good form with 100KG, for the next session bump the weight up to 102.5KG and aim for 8 reps).

End Progression targets (1RM at full range and controlled reps) Level 1 Squats 1.6 x bodyweight Deadlifts 2 x bodyweight Bench-Press 1.2 x bodyweight Chin-ups/Pull-ups 1.2 x bodyweight OR 8 reps with bodyweight

*Side-note 2:
After every session, you can try implementing 10 – 15minutes moderate intensity on your spin-bike. When you do this in a fasted state in the morning, the fat burning potential is huge!