The Machine Back & Chest routine by JefitTeam is a 2 day workout plan. It is a beginner level plan to achieve bulking fitness goals.
Plan Description
This program should allow any Jefit user to walk into most gyms around the country and find the same...
This program should allow any Jefit user to walk into most gyms around the country and find the same strength machines that is used in this program.
This is a muscle building program that should be performed twice weekly for 4-6 weeks for best results. All muscle groups are worked via three exercises and should be done using 4x6 (4 sets of 6 repetitions) with a 2-minute recovery between each set.
Each workout session includes 24 sets targeting your back and chest and should take about an hour to complete. You will complete three different exercises for each muscle group. The exercises are different between training sessions.
Stay Strong,
Jefit Team
Day 1
Day 2
Workout 1: Back & Chest
Est time: 65 min
6 exercises
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