JR's Squat Plateau Buster
John Rippon avatar John Rippon
Oct 11th 2018

JR's Squat Plateau Buster


2 DAYS - Bulking - Advanced

Equipment required: Dumbell, Barbell, Kettlebell, Bench, and Machine

This plan supports Interval mode and Audio Cue & Pro Tips

This is a high-volume routine to help you push through a back squat plateau (i.e. it's not for beginners).

It's a strength rather than a bulking routine and you need to estimate your 1-rep maximums for squats and SLDL before you start. To do this, starting fresh do three or four warm-up sets of about 5 reps, increasing the weight on each set. Take a couple of minutes rest and do one set to failure with a weight that you estimate you can lift for no more than about 5 or 6 reps. Use this formula to estimate your 1-rep max:

1RM = weight lifted x 36 ÷ (37 - reps completed)

You can run this routine concurrently with other weight training but don't do any other squats or heavy lunges while you're using it and keep any deadlift weights to less than 75% of your 1-rep maximum.

As it's a strength program, avoid any moderate or intense cardio on training days!

Always do appropriate warm-up sets.

Use the same weight throughout each session for the working sets. Don't use more than the indicated percentage of your 1-rep maximum for each exercise in the first week; going a little lighter may be better! Each week increase the barbell weight by about 5kg/10lb and keep the dumbbell weighs the same or increase by the minimum available increment.

As the training gets tougher you can increase the rest between the last few sets a little. Revert to the previous week's weights if you can't complete all sets and reps of an exercise.

After about four or five weeks it's best to completely rest from back squat training for a minimum of one week to reap full benefit from the high volume.

To preserve the effectiveness of this type of short-term intense training I'd suggest you don't do more than a four- or five-week cycle more frequently than every six months.