Flexible and Adaptive Workout Plan

Frequency : 7 days / week
Day Type : Numerical
Type : Cutting
Difficulty : Advanced

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This is a 7 day exercise plan which mixes weights and several types of cardio. I am also a cardio addict and love endurance runs and bike rides. There are 4-5 lifting days based on the PPL principles, plus as many cardio sessions as I feel like doing. Also, I want to be as flexible as possible in the gym. Crowded? No problem, there are various options for each muscle group. The goals is NOT to do them all but do a variety based on station availability. My goal is to spend just under an hour in the weight room. No time for gym at all? There are a couple stripped down routines for home or office as well, which only require set of dumbbells and/or a set of excercise bands. Finally, cardio options. The goal is to be active every day, sometimes twice a day - and create options for that even during the most brutal work schedules. Minimize reasons for excuses...