Machine strength
The 7 Weeks to Tricep Growth routine by JefitTeam is a 16 day workout plan. It is a intermediate level plan to achieve bulking fitness goals.
Looking to get a boost in size and strength in your triceps? Give this 7 week training program a sho...
Looking to get a boost in size and strength in your triceps? Give this 7 week training program a shot to enhance your triceps. This 7 week triceps training plan can be used in conjunction with the 7 week biceps training plan to help you build major arm size and strength. <b><u>Why This Routine Works</u></b> This routine is a mixture of both compound and isolation exercises to hit and stimulate growth in the triceps. While performing this week you will be progressing with your training frequency so that you are stimulating the tricep muscles into growth. During the first two weeks you will only be training once per week; twice per week in weeks 3 and 4; three times per week for weeks 5 and 6; and finally once during week 7. This training is essential to spark growth and strength in the muscles as for the first two weeks you are getting yourself adjusted to the moderate weight, reps, sets and training of your muscles. For week 3 you will be using lighter weight for your exercises but compensating with higher repetitions for both days. On the first day of week 4 you will hammer your tricep muscles with heavy weight and low reps, this is designed to fill the rip the muscle for size and preparation of recovery the following day. On week 5 you will be training three days a week. The first day will be an onslaught on your muscles as you will focus on heavy weights again with low reps. The next three workout days will hit your tricep with moderate weight and hi repetitions to help you recover from the heavy weight. You will follow these three days with another day of heavy weight and finally a last day of high reps and low weight. Weeks 5 and 6 are designed to confuse your muscles, tear the fibers and stimulate the tricep for optimal growth and strength. On the final workout week you will perform basic training days, focused on moderate weight and reps, to help you recover from the intense 6 weeks of tricep work. Performing this routine will help stimulate and put stress on your tricep muscles, thus increasing growth hormones. These hormones are utilized by the body for muscle recovery and of course growth, which is what this routine has been designed for. By using this workout along with the 7 weeks to bicep growth routine, you will have the arm size and strength that you have always desired. <b><u>Workout Day Split</u></b> <b><i>1st and 2nd Week :</b></i> In the 1st and 2nd week of this routine you will workout your arms once a week to get adjusted to the weight that you will be performing and loosening up your muscles. <b><i>3rd and 4th Week :</b></i> During the 3rd and 4th weeks, you will train your triceps twice during the week. Increasing to training twice a week is important as your muscles have already gotten adjusted to working the triceps and it is time to start shocking the muscle fibers into growth through additional workout days. Note : With these weeks of training, you can mix in negative sets to help confuse the muscles into growth <b><i>5th and 6th Week :</b></i> The 5th and 6th weeks will require you to up the amount of training days for your triceps to 3 times a week. By training up to three times a week, you are shocking your muscles into growth and strength increase by stimulating the muscle fibers. Notes : During the days of low rep sets, you will want to do about 70 - 75% of your 1RM. It is important for any muscle building routine to perform heavier weight so that you are sparking the triceps into growth. <b><i>7th Week :</b></i> For the 7th and final week, you will finish off your tricep training with only 1 day of training. With only one workout day in the final week, you are able to allow for your arms to recover from the onslaught of training that you have just put it through. <b><u>7 Week Training Training Stats</u></b> <u>1st and 2nd Week</u> Total Workout Time : 32 minutes Total Rest Time : 21 minutes <u>3rd and 4th Week</u> Total Workout Time (ALL Days) : 91 minutes Workout Time - Day A : 23 minutes Workout Time - Day B : 25 minutes Workout Time - Day C : 20 minutes Workout Time - Day D : 23 minutes Total Rest Time (ALL Days) : 67.5 minutes Rest Time - Day A : 15 Minutes Rest Time - Day B : 15 Minutes Rest Time - Day C : 22.5 Minutes Rest Time - Day D : 15 Minutes <u>5th and 6th Week</u> Total Workout Time (ALL Days) : 134 minutes Workout Time - Day A : 20 Minutes Workout Time - Day B : 23 Minutes Workout Time - Day C : 23 Minutes Workout Time - Day D : 23 Minutes Workout Time - Day E : 20 Minutes Workout Time - Day F : 25 Minutes Total Rest Time (ALL Days) : 145 minutes Rest Time - Day A : 22.5 Minutes Rest Time - Day B : 15 Minutes Rest Time - Day C : 15 Minutes Rest Time - Day D : 15 Minutes Rest Time - Day E : 22.5 Minutes Rest Time - Day F : 15 Minutes <u>7th Week</u> Total Workout Time : 32 Minutes Total Rest Time : 21 minutes <b><u>Equipment Necessary</u></b> • Barbell • Dumbbells • Bench • Strength Machines • Cable Tower Machines <b><u>Nutrition</b></u> • Protein - Egg Whites, Lean Chicken, Lean Beef, Protein Shakes, Cottage Cheese, Greek Yogurt, Lean Ground Turkey, Peanut Butter • Carbs - Sweet Potatoes, Quinoa, Brown Rice, Beans (Black or Kidney), Oatmeal, Whole Wheat Toast, Of course you cannot forget your fruits and vegetables for a balance of nutrients, antioxidants and fiber. As with any diet that is gear towards putting on clean muscle and size, you will want to eat a clean and healthy diet. Stay away from any snack foods, chips, sweets, or anything that will put on excess fat, carbs or sugars into your diet. This will be detrimental to your gains and goals of muscle building. <b><u>Notes</u></b> To increase the size of your muscles and growth potential, focus on training arms on their own separate day rather than having them put into the end of a workout. This allows the body to focus upon the growth of the bicep and tricep muscles and improve on strength. You can add in some warm-up sets into each workout to loosen up your triceps Intensity and focusing on the motions/movements of each exercise will help target and build the little muscles of each body part. With this routine diet is key, you want to eat and have a clean and healthy diet to attain optimal and best gains possible.
Day 1
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Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Day 8
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Day 13
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Day 15
Day 16
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