Bikini Legs In 2 Months
JefitTeam avatar JefitTeam
Nov 18th 2020

Bikini Legs In 2 Months


Equipment required: Dumbell, Barbell, Kettlebell, Bench, and Machine

This plan supports Interval mode and Audio Cue & Pro Tips

During summer season, what better way to get yourself bikini ready then to touch up that lower half and build yourself a set of toned and tight legs.

Many women want that bikini body and tight midsection to show off the new bathing suits that they are wearing but it is also crucial to build a strong foundation and defined legs to compliment the rest of your body.

Why This Routine Works

Unlike most programs, this 8 week workout program uses a mix of strength and athletic training exercises to help you get that tight, toned and defined look that you desire for your legs during the summer months.

With this program you will be working and targeting the muscles in your calves, quads, hamstrings and glutes to get an overall lower body workout.

It is crucial to keep your rest time in between 60 to 90 seconds to make sure that you are consistently working your leg muscles.

While working your leg muscles, you are also releasing growth hormones that are important to help you build muscle and define your legs but also help lean out the rest of your body. This aids in creating that bikini body look that you have been working for.

By following this 8 week workout program along with a healthy and clean diet you are guaranteed to see the results that you desire and a change in your lower body.

Workout Day Split

First 4 Weeks

- For the first 4 weeks of the program you will focus on muscle hypertrophy, stimulating the muscle fibers into growth.

You will want to perform the exercises within the list with moderate weight for around 6 - 10 repetitions, pushing towards the latter to work the muscles into growth.

Last 4 Weeks

- On the last 4 weeks of this program, you will be focused on increasing your strength, intensity and the pump within your muscles through increased reps and weight.

With your legs already worked to hypertrophy the previous 4 weeks, this week is meant to pump the heavily worked muscles full of blood to further increase strength, muscle growth and definition.

Bikini Legs In 2 Months Training Stats

Weeks 1 and 2

Day 1 Workout Time : 15 minutes
Day 1 Rest Time : 23 minutes

Day 2 Workout Time : 15 minutes
Day 2 Rest Time : 23 minutes

Weeks 3 and 4

Day 1 Workout Time : 25 minutes
Day 1 Rest Time : 23 minutes

Day 2 Workout Time : 35 minutes
Day 2 Rest Time : 23 minutes

Weeks 5 and 6

Day 1 Workout Time : 15 minutes
Day 1 Rest Time : 23 minutes

Day 2 Workout Time : 18 minutes
Day 2 Rest Time : 27 minutes

Weeks 7 and 8

Day 1 Workout Time : 18 minutes
Day 1 Rest Time : 27 minutes

Day 2 Workout Time : 45 minutes
Day 2 Rest Time : 23 minutes

Equipment Used

• Barbell
• Dumbbell
• Strength Machines
• Leg Machines
• Weight Plates
• Jump Rope
• Bench


• Protein - Egg Whites, Lean Chicken, Lean Beef, Protein Shakes, Cottage Cheese, Greek Yogurt, Lean Ground Turkey, Peanut Butter

• Carbs - Sweet Potatoes, Quinoa, Brown Rice, Beans (Black or Kidney), Oatmeal, Whole Wheat Toast,

Of course you cannot forget your fruits and vegetables for a balance of nutrients, antioxidants and fiber.

As with any diet that is gear towards putting on clean muscle and size, you will want to eat a clean and healthy diet.

Stay away from any snack foods, chips, sweets, or anything that will put on excess fat, carbs or sugars into your diet. This will be detrimental to your gains and goals of muscle building.


You can add in some warm-up sets into each workout to loosen up your muscles.

Remember during your workout is that progress makes perfect, by constantly pushing the pace and making gradual improvements you will be able to refine your lower body development.

Intensity and focusing on the motions/movements of each exercise will help target and build the little muscles of each body part.

With this routine diet is key, you want to eat and have a clean and healthy diet to attain optimal and best gains possible.