Crossfit Training
JefitTeam avatar JefitTeam
Dec 23rd 2013

Crossfit Training


Equipment required: Dumbell, Barbell, Kettlebell, Bench, and Machine

This plan supports Interval mode and Audio Cue & Pro Tips

Always wanted to try CrossFit but don't know what kind of routine to follow or how to go about starting a CrossFit routine.

We have created a crossfit routine to get you up and moving, increase your cardiovascular activity, as well as helping you develop stronger muscles and boost your endurance.

Why This Routine Works

The benefit of crossfit is that it is a quick, challenging, and effective workout that can be performed in just about any gym.

It helps increase muscular strength, endurance and stamina, enhances cardiovascular activity, and improves balance as well as flexibility in the body.

One of the main keys with any crossfit routine is that you are performing light to moderate weight at a normal rep number. By performing such weight, it allows you to quickly and efficiently perform the exercise to stimulate your muscles for strength and endurance but also keep your heart rate going to burn calories.

You should be able to get through each workout day as each one is designed to take around 20 minutes to perform.

Crossfit can be brutal at times which is why it is important to stick to a healthy and clean diet, allow yourself the proper amount of time for rest and recover, drink plenty of fluids and make sure that you are doing a weight that you can manage throughout the entire workout.

Workout Day Split

Day 1 Workout A

Day 2 Workout B

Day 3 Workout C

Day 4 Workout D HIIT Cardio

Day 5 Workout E

Crossfit Training Stats

Day 1 Total Workout Time : 18 Minutes
Day 1 Total Rest Time : 15 Minutes

Day 2 Total Workout Time : 30 Minutes
Day 2 Total Rest Time : 22 Minutes

Day 3 Total Workout Time : 40 Minutes

Day 4 Total Workout Time : 24 Minutes
Day 4 Total Rest Time : 22 Minutes and 30 Seconds

Day 5 Total Workout Time : 24 Minutes
Day 5 Total Rest Time : 22 Minutes and 30 Seconds

Equipment Used

• Barbell
• Dumbbell
• Kettlebell
• Pull Up Bar
• Bench
• Weight Plate
• Cardio Machine


• Protein - Egg Whites, Lean Chicken, Lean Beef, Protein Shakes, Cottage Cheese, Greek Yogurt, Lean Ground Turkey, Peanut Butter

• Carbs - Sweet Potatoes, Quinoa, Brown Rice, Beans (Black or Kidney), Oatmeal, Whole Wheat Toast,

Of course you cannot forget your fruits and vegetables for a balance of nutrients, antioxidants and fiber.

As with any diet that is gear towards putting on clean muscle and size, you will want to eat a clean and healthy diet.

Stay away from any snack foods, chips, sweets, or anything that will put on excess fat, carbs or sugars into your diet. This will be detrimental to your gains and goals of muscle building.


• You can add in some warm-up sets into each workout to loosen up your muscles. Stretching is important with any crossfit workout program to prevent injury to your muscles.

Intensity and focusing on the motions/movements of each exercise will help target and build the little muscles of each body part. It is important to put emphasis on performing the correct form for each exercise so that you get the most out of each life and stimulate the little muscles for optimal growth potential.

With this routine diet is key, you want to eat and have a clean and healthy diet to attain optimal and best gains possible.