5x5 (Beginner 2-Day)
JefitTeam avatar JefitTeam
Apr 5th 2018

5x5 (Beginner 2-Day)


Equipment required: Dumbell, Barbell, Kettlebell, Bench, and Machine

This plan supports Interval mode and Audio Cue & Pro Tips

The 5x5 workout style is centered around 1 thing: 5 sets of 5 repetitions. The workout focuses on heavy compound lifts 3 times a week to promote muscle and strength growth.

Who is this workout plan for?
This program is built for improving strength of your core lifts and building a foundation for strength training. If you're already quite experienced and have a specific fitness goal that is more towards physical appearance, fat loss or cardiovascular capacity there could be a better workout in our database.

Progression between weeks
Depending on how progressed you are in your strength training you may need to increase the weight in the core lifts from week to week. We recommend you increase the weight by 5 to 10 lbs. each week if during the previous week you were able to comfortably complete all the reps for an exercise.

Warming Up
Especially for compound lifts we recommend warming up with lighter weights before your working sets. A common warmup scheme is 10-15 sets with a very light weight, followed by intermediate sets until you do 1 rep of your working weight.

Reps, Sets and Rest
There are many different rep schemes that'll help you reach your goals. We've set 3 sets of 8 reps by default, but feel free to change it to your own liking.

Getting Help
If you need some help getting started, join our Jefit Facebook community and our existing community would be happy to help!

Stay Strong with 5x5,

Jefit Team