The Best Damn Workout Plan for Natural Lifters
adrenaline2 avatar adrenaline2
Jul 31st 2017

The Best Damn Workout Plan for Natural Lifters


5 DAYS - Bulking - Advanced

Equipment required: Dumbell, Barbell, Kettlebell, Bench, and Machine

This plan supports Interval mode and Audio Cue & Pro Tips

The number one mistake by natural lifters is doing too much volume. You need to trigger protein synthesis and then stop training. Ramp your training program up and follow this plan, and here's what makes it really challenging. Change up your 3rd and final set of each exercise with one of the following techniques (which ever works better for the exercise):

1) Heavy Double Rest/Pause set - pick a weight you can do around 6 reps with. Complete 6 reps, wait 15 seconds, do 2-3 more, wait 15 seconds, do a final 1-2

2) Maximum mTor activation - Lower the weight over 5 seconds while flexing the target muscle as hard as you can. Hold at the fully stretched position for 2 seconds. Do 6-8 reps, on the last rep hold it in the fully stretched position until failure.

3) 6-8-10 Drop Set - Pick a weight you can do 6 reps with. Then reduce weight by 25-40% and do 8 reps. Then reduce weight another time by 25-40% and do 10 reps