Basic Full Body
anthonydelgado3 avatar anthonydelgado3
Mar 12th 2019

Basic Full Body


Equipment required: Dumbell, Barbell, Kettlebell, Bench, and Machine

This plan supports Interval mode and Audio Cue & Pro Tips

In one of my Facebook groups, there are several JEFIT users who are looking for a full body workout. Here's my routine. I started this a few weeks ago myself after a period of overtraining and I'm feeling/looking a lot better already. Propper rest is a must for muscle growth and strength.

The key to a good full body is not to get caught up doing a lot of auxiliary exercises. 80%+ needs to be large compound lifts or you won't get any results. So, you'll notice this exercise doesn't utilize any exercises that use machines.

You can sub out the T-bar rows for barbell bent over rows.

Abs can be subbed out for different exercises based on the user, but don't skip abs!

Biceps can be skipped altogether if you run out of time.

TIP: Vary your grip (Wide, standard, narrow) on exercises if you want to make sure you are working different parts of the muscle.

NOTE: If you are convinced you must do isolated exercises or work auxiliary muscles (Maybe you have tiny calves), then do this full body twice a week and do a third day of whatever extras you like to do.