Copy of Machine-Only Beginner Workout
best4ever20 avatar best4ever20
Apr 26th 2024

Copy of Machine-Only Beginner Workout


Equipment required: Dumbell, Barbell, Kettlebell, Bench, and Machine

This plan supports Interval mode and Audio Cue & Pro Tips

This is a machine-only beginner workout for those who are just starting to get into the gym, only have machine equipment or possibly for those who feel intimidated going into a gym.

Exercise machines are great for isolating the muscles and allowing the individual to use a weight that they feel comfortable with to achieve the results that they desire.

This routine is to be performed 3 days a week, as it is a beginner routine, and there are 3 separate whole body workouts that an individual can use on the days that they workout.

Each exercise chosen targets and isolates the muscle that is being performed to help build strength and achieve muscle growth or toning (depending on what the individual is trying to attain with their workout)

*** Notes :

Make sure that each machine is properly wiped down and cleaned before use, you never know what the person before you has or if they cleaned it before use.

Make sure that the weight is adjusted to what you would like to use or can perform to prevent any injuries from occurring.