Bulk Fast
DCA215 avatar DCA215
Feb 3rd 2021

Bulk Fast


3 DAYS - Bulking - Advanced

Equipment required: Dumbell, Barbell, Kettlebell, Bench, and Machine

This plan supports Interval mode and Audio Cue & Pro Tips

The routine is intended to bulk core muscle groups as followed,

Monday: Shoulders, Triceps, and Chest

Tuesday: Biceps and Back

Wednesday: Legs and abs

Thursday: a high rep day consisting of exercises from Monday and Tuesday.

On Monday and Tuesday you should be using heavier weight at about 6-8 reps. Usually, I say increase the weight 5lbs beyond your comfort zone, but don’t over do it.

By Thursday: you should decrease the weight by 5-10lbs respective of the workout and aim to complete 10-12 reps in each set.

If there is a superset listed make sure to move on to the next workout after each set in the rotation highlighted until you complete all of the sets listed.

In some cases like with exercises like the lateral lifts, you should be interchanging between front and lateral each rep.

Overall the workout is designed to increase how much you can lift sustainably. Every 2 weeks to a month you should notice an expansion of how much you are able to lift. The methodology is here is superior to many of the workout programs you will find and does not need to be changed because your body will not stop improving. The major reason for this is because the heavy days introduce your body to the weight increase and make it less foreign. The high rep days increase your range, allowing you to lift more as you scale up. This constant exposure to endurance lifting and heavy lifting means you won’t have to switch programs like others who focus on only one aspect or the other.