Body Fat Demolition: 8 Week Workout to Destroy Body Fat
dellisbnkr avatar dellisbnkr
Dec 27th 2021

Body Fat Demolition: 8 Week Workout to Destroy Body Fat


5 DAYS - Bulking - Intermediate

Equipment required: Dumbell, Barbell, Kettlebell, Bench, and Machine

This plan supports Interval mode and Audio Cue & Pro Tips

Jumpstart your fat loss journey with a fat loss workout perfect for helping you maintain muscle and burn calories. This 8 week program is sure to help!

Workout Description:

Time to destroy body fat!

And now that we put that silly notion away – because spoiler: fat cells can’t be destroyed once they are accumulated – we can move on to developing a helpful strategy to assist in your weight loss goals.

When you “lose fat”, the fat cells shrink.

And the only real way to make fat cells shrink is through maintaining a calorie deficit.

In addition to this, if you want to maintain/build lean muscle mass, you have to resistance train (preferably with weights).

So, this 8 week program is going to outline a routine to help you maintain lean muscle while losing body fat.

Body Fat Demolition Overview:

This 8 week fat loss routine will help in creating a calorie deficit needed to help you lose body fat. However, to make it a successful routine, you will have to eat in a calorie deficit.

The routine is a 5 day per week workout that follows an upper/lower split with a full body workout on Saturday. Resistance training during fat loss phases is important to maintain lean body mass.

Given that it is a 5 day workout routine, it is designed more for an intermediate lifter in mind. The volume will be slightly higher since you’ll have an extra day to distribute volume on.

Weight selection should be within a 7-8 RPE on most of the exercises listed. You want to finish each rep feeling as though you have 2-3 reps still left in the tank. The slightly lower intensity will allow you to maintain the training frequency while still allowing you adequate time to recovery from each individual workout.

As with most programs on Muscle & Strength, the main goal should be weight progression week to week. However, given that you will be eating at a calorie deficit while performing the program, it is not expected that each week will result in an increase in weight used.

Simply perform at as high of an intensity as you can during the duration of the program and the rest will take care of itself.

Rest periods in between working sets will be 90 seconds for your first lift, 60 seconds for the following 2 lifts, And 45 seconds for the remaining lifts listed.