5 Day Modified Bro Split for Growth
cadencesmith avatar cadencesmith
Jun 5th 2020

5 Day Modified Bro Split for Growth


4 DAYS - Bulking - Intermediate

Equipment required: Dumbell, Barbell, Kettlebell, Bench, and Machine

This plan supports Interval mode and Audio Cue & Pro Tips

This is my personal program with exercises I enjoy doing.

Warmups aren’t included in any of the exercises:

For working weights on the strength day choose a weight that is manageable but also heavy enough to struggle a bit. Somewhere around the 80% range of your 1RM Don’t be afraid to add weight and work to failure closer to your last sets. Make sure to focus on form on everything and specifically the mind muscle connection on accessory movements like rows, or curls.

For the hypertrophy/volume days you wanna choose a weight that is still decently heavily but you can do the right amount of reps with. Around 70% of 1RM Around a 7-8 RPE for most of the exercises. (Leaving 2-3 extra reps in the tank after you finish your set)

If there’s any exercises you want to add you can always substitute them. Workouts are designed to take around 45-60 minutes on a strength day and 50-80 on a volume day depending on how fast you move and how long your rest times are.