Post Injury Plan: Regaining Back Strength
JefitTeam avatar JefitTeam
Jun 24th 2021

Post Injury Plan: Regaining Back Strength


Equipment required: Dumbell, Barbell, Kettlebell, Bench, and Machine

This plan supports Interval mode and Audio Cue & Pro Tips

This back stretch and strengthening plan is designed to improve your mobility and increase muscular endurance in the back and core muscles. It is ideal for someone coming back from a back injury, as long as they have the go ahead from their physician to start exercising. It can also be used as a dynamic warm-up prior to strength training.

The majority of these exercises have been used in many yoga and pilates classes. There is a reason why you must develop good core strength. This is because all movements is initiated from your core. All activities of daily living also require a strong, functional core.

Perform this routine every other day for 4-6 weeks.

Each exercise will be completed for 30-second interval periods rather than repetitions. As you increase your endurance, you can move your intervals from 30 to 45-seconds.

Your goal is to perform as many good repetitions in that allotted time period. There are 13 different movements in the routine and three of them need to be performed as supersets, meaning back-to-back with minimal rest. This bring the total of work to 19 sets. If the plan is too difficult simply decrease your time to 15-20 second intervals in the Jefit app.

**NOTE: All of the exercise require only your bodyweight except - the exercise ball diagonal kick. If you don't have a ball, perform it off a stable surface.

Stay Strong,

Jefit Team