Heavy Chest Emphasis
MichaelSenders avatar MichaelSenders
Jun 28th 2020

Heavy Chest Emphasis


Equipment required: Dumbell, Barbell, Kettlebell, Bench, and Machine

This plan supports Interval mode and Audio Cue & Pro Tips

Push-up drills:

Day 1, 3, 6:

1:00 Incline explosive push ups (hands push off surface)
1:00 Incline twisting
1:00 Incline Back slap
1:00 Incline elbow drive
1:00 Chest dips

Day 3 Second set

1:00 Legs raised push ups to fail, if fail, go to knees up to fail, if fail, go to standard push up
:30 Dips- 4 reps- Dip 1, dip 2, dip 3, Lower all the way, use legs to stand up, repeat
1:00 Flat push ups to fail, if fail, go to knees, if fail, go to Incline
:30 Repeat dips
1:00 Incline push ups to fail, if fail, go to knees- no fail for knees
:30 Repeat dips

Day 1 and 6- Floor bench presses should be done with two hands.
Day 4- When doing lat pull downs, do first set normally, for next set, lean back. Cable should be above for both, and both should be seated.

Day 3- First superset is dumbells only. Stand up, do twisting curls. Sit down, do twisting curls with back straight. Lay back, do more curls. Stand up, bend forward, do drag curls. No breaks.
For the second superset, first three should all be done with cables. Dips are done with hands at the side, pushing straight down with the cable.

Muay Thai days consist of stretching, 5 min shadowboxing warm up, minimum 20min heavy bag, and 20 min shadowboxing cool down.