Charlton's Full Body Modified Daily Undulating Periodization
ProfXaos avatar ProfXaos
Jan 16th 2016

Charlton's Full Body Modified Daily Undulating Periodization


2 DAYS - Bulking - Advanced

Equipment required: Dumbell, Barbell, Kettlebell, Bench, and Machine

This plan supports Interval mode and Audio Cue & Pro Tips

This routine involves three lifting days designed to cover the full body using mainly compound exercises. The days are ordered specifically based on the concept of modified daily undulating periodization as described in the paper by M. Zourdos et al. in the August 2015 issue of the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. The are ordered for hypertrophy, power, and then strength (HPS) with one rest or cardio day in between. Zourdos' paper was specifically focused on powerlifting (squat, bench press, deadlift) gains, but I find the same theory effective for all large muscle group compound exercises.

The first lifting day focuses on hypertrophy using a large number of reps (10-12) with a medium weight for 4 sets per exercise. Exercises are performed as supersets mainly to help decrease the time required for the routine.

The second lifting day focuses on power using a very small number of reps (1 or possibly 2) at 80-90% of 1RM. The routine calls for using Hammer Strength machines for these but advanced users may prefer to use the compatible barbell exercises instead. Again supersets are used to help decrease time in the gym.

The last lifting day focuses on strength using a decreasing number of reps for each set while increasing the weight. Reps are completed until failure. Advanced users may prefer to use dropsets after the last set.